1. Determine what teachers want/need in a science curriculum
The District Science Curriculum Committee was made up of a representative from each elementary grade level (K-5), the three middle school science teachers, the three high school science teachers, the DELTA/OLA science teacher, and the Curriculum Coordinator.
The first step was a conversation with teachers about what they would like in a district-wide science curriculum - identifying what were the desired outcomes and reflecting on how the process should be undertaken. A common value was the importance of focusing on science as a process - a way of learning about the world around us. Specifically, conversations were held about the Next Generation Science Standards, and there was strong consensus those standards were superior to the then current state standards, and that our efforts should be driven by the NGSS.
The team worked together on Collaboration Days and in smaller groups or individually between Collaboration days to complete the process that followed.
The first step was a conversation with teachers about what they would like in a district-wide science curriculum - identifying what were the desired outcomes and reflecting on how the process should be undertaken. A common value was the importance of focusing on science as a process - a way of learning about the world around us. Specifically, conversations were held about the Next Generation Science Standards, and there was strong consensus those standards were superior to the then current state standards, and that our efforts should be driven by the NGSS.
The team worked together on Collaboration Days and in smaller groups or individually between Collaboration days to complete the process that followed.