When you're surrounded by people who share a passionate commitment
around a common purpose, anything is possible.
- Howard Schultz
around a common purpose, anything is possible.
- Howard Schultz
The Monte Vista School District has some of the most talented and committed teachers in the field. But site reviews from CDE, peer reviews through the S-CAP process, and conversations with teachers and administrators all indicated the district needed to develop a district-wide math curriculum. The district math curriculum had not been revised in a number of years, and state standards (and the assessments based on them) had changed several times since then. While there were good things happening at each grade level in math instruction, grade levels and teachers within them began to drift into islands of excellence - offering great math instruction in their classroom but without the support of a larger guiding framework of what should be taught at each grade level, and which skills were essential to master for students to be ready for the next grade level. Research has clearly established the importance of well-aligned curriculum in supporting student academic growth (Anderson, 2002, - one example of many).
A team was created and charged with the task of creating a district-wide math curriculum. Rather than resulting in a grade-level binder that risks the slow migration back to individual islands of instruction, this would be a "dynamic" curriculum - able to be updated as needed, and accessible digitally by all teachers and administrators in its entirety (all teachers can access all grades, not just their own).
Much appreciation goes to the team of educators who put in many hours in the process of developing this curriculum:
A team was created and charged with the task of creating a district-wide math curriculum. Rather than resulting in a grade-level binder that risks the slow migration back to individual islands of instruction, this would be a "dynamic" curriculum - able to be updated as needed, and accessible digitally by all teachers and administrators in its entirety (all teachers can access all grades, not just their own).
Much appreciation goes to the team of educators who put in many hours in the process of developing this curriculum:
Jeannette Casias (K)
Shayla Keeling (1st) Kim Stahle (2nd) Sadie Paulson (3rd) Colleen Vanderpool (4th) |
Trent Vanbibber (5th)
Danielle Gibbs (6th) Al Ford (7th) Toni Romero (8th) Justin Romero (HS) |
Sharon Stanford (HS)
Katie Turner (HS) Rebekah Sparks-Johnson (Math Coach) Dirk Oden (Curriculum Coordinator) |