Monte Vista School District
Science Curriculum Guide
Science is a way of thinking much more than it is a body of knowledge
- Carl Sagan
Science Curriculum Guide
Science is a way of thinking much more than it is a body of knowledge
- Carl Sagan
Background Information
Parent Resources
Staff Resources
Intro to the NGSS (video)
More About the NGSS
How to Read the Next Generation Science Standards This video explains how the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) are structured and describes the different components of the organizational tables that the standards are arranged in.
How Practices Change
A big shift for students and teachers in implementing the NGSS is the focus on the eight science and engineering practices. Students are not only responsible for knowing ideas; they are also responsible for engaging in practices that use the ideas in authentic ways. NGSS: Core Ideas and Cross-Cutting Concepts
The Framework and the NGSS define big ideas that have explanatory power for making connections among those ideas. Instead of memorizing facts, formulas, and procedures, the NGSS emphasize the usefulness of ideas in explaining phenomena, and especially in making sense of an unfamiliar phenomenon. |
Planning and Carrying out Investigations: What NGSS Looks Like in the Classroom
Observing evidence is the theme of this video as high school teacher Kristin Mayer leads students in a lesson focused on collecting evidence that can be used to evaluate competing models of the nature of matter. |