1. Determine what teachers want/need in a math curriculum
The first step was a conversation with teachers about what they would like in a district-wide math curriculum - identifying what were the desired outcomes and reflecting on how should the process be undertaken.
This initial meeting involved a group of about thirty teachers who either taught math or had a strong interest in math. Once the needs and process were identified, a Math Curriculum Development Team consisting of one teacher from each grade K-8, three high school math teachers, and the math coach was charged with developing the district math curriculum. The process was led by the district Curriculum Coordinator.
The team worked together on Collaboration Days and in smaller groups or individually between Collaboration days to complete the process.
This initial meeting involved a group of about thirty teachers who either taught math or had a strong interest in math. Once the needs and process were identified, a Math Curriculum Development Team consisting of one teacher from each grade K-8, three high school math teachers, and the math coach was charged with developing the district math curriculum. The process was led by the district Curriculum Coordinator.
The team worked together on Collaboration Days and in smaller groups or individually between Collaboration days to complete the process.