Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) Overview
The Next Generation Science Standards are based on the Framework for K-12 Science Education developed by the National Research Council. Every NGSS standard has three dimensions:
- Disciplinary Core Ideas. DCIs are the content that is taught. There are fewer than the content in other past science standards with the intent of focusing on them more deeply. These are considered the most important ideas of science. They have broad importance, are key in understanding or investigating more complex ideas, relate to life experiences, and are teachable over multiple grades with increasing levels of depth.
- Scientific and Engineering Practices. SEPs describe the behaviors scientists engage in as they investigate and build models and theories about the natural world. There are eight total SEPs.
- Cross-cutting Concepts. CCs have application across all domains of science and show how those domains are linked to each other. They help students recognize universal concepts that enable a coherent view of science. There are seven Cross-cutting Concepts.